Sunday, September 30, 2007

Church in Action

This was one of the first churches we visited. They really had their act together. They made 5,000 flyer's 2,000 of them went out on a mailing list, and the other 3,000 pasted out in the city. I applaud this church for taking serious the sharing of the Good News. Well it's late I think I'll go to sleep now good night...


Friday, September 28, 2007

Fast set-up

Here is a little footage of when the truck broke down it's a little dark, but what you are seeing is the drive shaft broke of the U-bolt. We only have 2 more days before the tour is over back to real world. The good thing is that La MoVida will continue year round (...of course not every day) we will keep you posted. We still have a lot of footage to edit and to upload. Thanks for your support this is not a good-bye I still have two days left.



Here is some pics of the crew posing with Sparky the Firefighter Dog at the Crystal Cathedral (the one and only) ...I got sad when I heard in the news about the vandalism act someone did at the Cathedral. I think the news said $40,00 dls worth of damage or some outrage number like that. Well, hope they find the person responsible.


Jose Luis' baby boy Jonathan...Ahwwwwwwwwww

Me dropping the speaker...nnoooooooooooooooooooooo! All well I'll just get a new one.

From left to right (Me, Oscar, Manny, Sparky, Fer, and Jose Luis)

Ghetto Posse w/ Sparky..."We roll like that!"

Day 19:

Anaheim was the place it was great we were at Pablo's Church here are some pics of the event.


People playing games

People looking over walls again from nearby apartments...Cool

Jose Luis trying to do back-up vocal for Pablo...La La La "I don't think so!"

Pablo Singing

Here is Jr. He is our friends son

A by-stander stopping by to see want all the co-motion is about...Awesome!

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Tacos!!!

The Rose Dance

Here is something you might not know about Rose. Not only is she our driver she also is our dance instructor. Back in Mexico she use to be a professional dance instructor. Here she is showing us some of her Fancy foot work after one of the Movida events. Oh hey She also said and I quote "if you put this on the internet I will Quit!" So Rose; Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeez don't leave us we need you.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Day Off

Today was are day off we decided to goo to the movies. There was nothing good to watch so we bought tkts to watch Halloween. I didn't really want to watch it so Oscar and I saw "The Simpsons Movie" it was funny "...spider pig, spider pig la la la." Manny & Fer stayed to watch Halloween, and Jose Luis saw 310 Yuma. After the movies we went to check out the city of Oxnard well at least Downtown we did. Not very big and much to see. I wanted to go to the beach but very body wanted to go to the hotel and sleep. So I'm here writing & updating the blog. Well we have one week to go for the tour to be over sad day for everyone that means going back to work...AHHHHHHHHH



Sunday, September 23, 2007

Where is John?

Day 16:
I had my 1 year church anniversary on 9/16/07 so I couldn't be at the event in Santa Ana @ the Salvation Army. Which I had all ready made arrangements to be absent. Sound was already taken care of. "You know you work and work and miss one day and this is the gratitude I get!"...Sorry. My church anniversary was great we worship and fellowship til the night fall. God is good.


Friday, September 21, 2007

In the Beginning

The first few days we still had a lot of work to do to the trailer. The first two days Fer, Oscar, and I stayed to complete the stage, sound, and lighting. While Jose Luis, Manny, and Pablo would go to do a small version of "La Movida"... JL and Manny would leave extra early to avoid traffic (yea right) while we slaved under the hot sun and worked. Well let bye-gone be bye-gone...trailer was not painted no lights where up and the T.V's where not up nor connected. And if that was not enough the generator was not working. But other than we been Blessed.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

To the next city

La Movida "To the next city.." Jose Luis tells Rose at 3:00 a.m. inside Rose's Truck.

Jose Luis rocking out with the youth....

"Ah...John that's the wrong song...hurry!"

Me hard at work...O.K. maybe it hardly working, but it still is work...I think.


Small Places

Day 18:
Pasadena the challenge was for Rose to park the truck in a tiny tiny parking-lot. The good thing was we had a great turn-out. Must of been about 100 people...awesome. We had two casualties two tree branches were sacrificed during the process. A moment of silence please..........O.K. Those are the reality of La Movida...peace out.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Crew

Here is a brief video intro of the's in Espanol so for all you non-espanoles Jose Luis is talking about how we are the first ones to arrive and the last ones to leave. First you see Rose our driver then Me, Fer, Oscar, and Manny behind the camera...he is camera shy. Well I hope you enjoy there will be more videos to stay tune.


Monday, September 17, 2007

Hot Dog Tour

We decided to rename the tour to the "HOT DOG TOUR" why, because everywhere we go they have hot dogs to give away. So my S.I.L.(sister in law) dedicated this pic for us. Thanks Ash.


Looking Over walls

Day 12:
We were in El Monte, and in the middle of the event I looked to the right at some Apartments. (There is a wall dividing the Church and these Apartments.) A family of five was just "Hanging Out" checking out what we where about. That made the whole night worth it for me. People who don't attend a church interested on what we are doing. That just Awesome!!


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Crowd Surf

Jose Luis saw a kid jump off stage during one of the shows so he thought he would give it a try...weak! But at least he tried.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Day 9:
We just finished the show in L.A. a great one may I add. Like usual we packed up the trailer finished about 10pm , and just waited for Rose (the driver...yes she is a woman). Rose arrived hitched the trailer and started to back the Big 18 Wheeler. We all heard a loud BANG! Of course first thing I did was go check the equipment inside the truck. Everything was OK inside...turns out it was the drive shaft U-bolt of the truck. So we start calling every mechanic we could think of, finally got hold of one. The mechanic got there about 12am we able to find a 24hr Fright liner part dealer so we jump on the tour van as soon as we jumped on the Freeway we blow out a tire...fixed the flat rushed to the truck part dealer. By the time we finished and got to our next destination San Bernandino it was 7am. Have not shower (YUCK!!!!!!) have not slept not a good start well we will see how it goes today. I thank God that the drive shaft didn't go out on the road well that would of been....well not good. I ask to please keep us in prayer. God Bless


Sunday, September 9, 2007

Week 1

We been from Palm dale to Indio and cities in between. The first few day we did not have a shower, so we had to use the water hose...MAN IT WAS COLD. Our fierce some leader Jose Luis build a Little room made out of ply wood with the water hose hanging over the top. Who says you can't do mission work in your local neighborhood. The events have been a susses I believe we are bringing a new vision to the churches. Some of the churches have never played games while attending a service or dace when we sing to our Lord. Well since this is our first Blog I'll introduce the team: Our leader/ Preacher Jose Luis, Music Pablo, Video/Pictures Emmanuel, Lighting/Stage Fernando & Oscar(the vega boys), and Sound Me(John) well to next time.