Thursday, August 7, 2008

...getting ready

Well it about that time time for La Movida Tour 2008... wow it's been a year already! Be doing my stretches & exercises to the theme to Rocky the Movie...daa da da daa ( my version of Eye of the Tiger). Well after pumping all that iron we started to fix the trailer we've added a new coat of paint and a new look... came up with new games and new video ( which is "d' best it's fantastic" to quote Nacho Libre) which I thing you will all enjoy. Having little trouble trying to get time to go on the whole tour, but my God is faithful if it is his will I will go on this tour.

This year we have a we have new addition to the crew Julio and Sammy on the tech end & Los Guerreros de Fe( musica nortena). Hopefully Fer will make a come back just like Rolando is and I believe Manny is coming along... I think.

Hope many people can come and support us, but most important that people will come and have a encounter with God. Also as many of you heard about Greg Laurie's son let keep him in prayer cause he has a Harvest coming up...just so he can be strong and always; always let God's Glory shine through.