Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Another Day

Now that the "MoVida" is officially over. Cause we had our last one in Selma, CA (that's near Fresno, CA) back to the routine. I'm back to work, so are the other guys. We are starting to brain-storm ideas for next year's MoVida. I'm still in the works with more MoVida tour 2007 stay tune.
Peace out every one!
God Bless


Friday, October 12, 2007

The Trucker

Well rose was busy this day so I had to step up to the plate. Had to recall all my mad skills I had learned 8 months ago(...that mean I didn't remember) at trucking school. I won't mention where I went to school for two reasons:

  1. They are not sponsoring us

  2. They are not sponsoring us!!

First I had to circle the parking-lot to get a feel of the gears then I took it out on the road. I had to drive maybe two or three times in the whole tour. My respect's to all the truckers...especially Rose. I think I did Okay for it being my first time driving on my own. I was able to tame the beast. Manny was a little scared as you will see on the video, but we survived.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Santa Barbara Pic's

Lots of people

Cool angel Manny!

...still more people.

...still more people.

...lots of happy people.

Like always Jose Luis not knowing what's next..."what do I do?"

Jose Luis giving gifts to kids.

...and still more people.

Rose taking a homeless wallet...just kidding(LOL)


La MoVida + Park = Lots of people!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Sound Pirate

Here is my sound pirate "Arrrrrrrrgg" he make sure no-one touches me sound mix. Also fills in when I not be there.


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The End

Well the September tour is all over, we'll still have Movidas here and there through out the year. It was a blessing and honor for me to be on this tour. I never realize that we can do a "Mission Trip" in our own back yard. I always thought of Missions be in other countries with less fortunate people, but it's not. Everybody needs Jesus! I learned to trust in my Lord Jesus Christ cause of this trip. He provided the means for all to be possible. We traveled to 30 different cities through out the state of California and where able to reach little over 5,000 people. 500 of those people came to know Jesus as their savior...Awesome!!

I really have to give it up to this year's team. Fer & Oscar "The Vega Boys" (Media & Lighting) really hard workers not afraid to get dirty. They love baseball "Go Angels." Also they will stand up to any "Park Bench" & "Homeless" that get in their watch out! Manny "The "Bonbonator" ( Video & Pictures) he was a key part because with out him we would not have any video nor pictures to show the world about La MoVida. Pablo (Singer) he brought a new taste to the praise & worship part of La MoVida awesome CD(Abrazame) you should go out and buy it. Jose Luis well he thought me that well can use all mean to get the message across in a whole new way. We have to use the tools and means God has given us to share the Good News! We are only tools in the Master's hands He direct us & uses us for His Glory.

I thank God for every one else who was part in La MoVida who did not go physically, but help with Prayer, financially, food, hospitality, moral support. To my family and church for believing we can make a difference. To my wife for letting this Big Kid go play...supporting me in all my dreams and crazy ideas. Well until next year; as my father-in-law would say " Un capitulo mas" (another chapter in life).
